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Meet The Woman Who Says She’s A Cat Trapped In A Human Body

We probably all feel a bit like a sleepy house-cat when we have to get up for work in the morning but some people take their feelings over board...
Though a psychologist has said she can grow out of it,Nano wants to be a cat for life..
But this Norwegian woman has taken that feeling to the next level. Nano claims she realized she was a cat when she was 16 years old, and has adopted feline mannerisms since.
The 20-year-old has opened up about her life as a puss, describing how she has a superior sense of hearing and sight which allows her to hunt mice in the dark.
She made the revelation in a video, which has been viewed over 100,000 times. Nano claims to possess many feline characteristics including a hatred of water and the ability to communicate simply by meowing. The young woman shows off her cat characteristics by wearing fake ears and an artificial tail. She communicates by meowing.


"I realised I was a cat when I was 16 when doctors and psychologists found out what was "the thing" with me. Under my birth there was a genetic defect," she explains in the video.
As they walked through Oslo's central station, the presenter asked Nano what she could hear and see that a normal person might not.
"Suitcases rolling on the ground," she says, "Keys clinking in pockets. People with ice under their shoes."

Then all of a sudden, she lets out a hiss and takes a step back.


"There is a dog over there," she explains. "Sometime I hiss when meeting dogs in the street. It's because of their behaviour and my instinct automatically reacts by hissing."

The cat woman wears a pair of pink fluffy paws with which to groom herself, and feels especially like doing so when she is in contact with water.
When asked if she was born as the wrong species, she said: 


"Yes, born in the wrong species."

Nano prefers to crawl around on her hands and knees, and paws at windows when she wants to go outside.
She also said, despite their size, she can sleep in the sink and on windowsills.


"It's also obvious that I'm a cat when I start purring and meowing," she explains. "And walking around on four legs javascript:void(0);and stuff like that."
The cat also claims to have night vision - but has never caught a mouse.
"I can see better in the dark than in daylight.
The young woman said her life as a cat is "exhausting" but she doesn't want to live as a human.
"My psychologist told me I can grow out of it, but I doubt it," she concludes. "I think I will be cat all my life."


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